
The CMA and Education

CMA supporters have expressed considerable concerns about the lack of education of our young people about our constitutional monarchy. Even if the basic requirements of the National Curriculum are met - and often they are not - the amount of time allocated to this is poor. CMA subscribers are worried at the indifference or antagonism from some young people towards the monarchy and feel this is due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of its role and the benefits it brings. Instead they receive the constant bombardment of the disparaging and undermining aspects of media coverage.

The CMA therefore embarked on an on-going major educational programme and series of initiatives to help counter this. This work is entirely funded by the generosity of its supporters.

The main aspects of this work are:

PO Box 5307, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 3DZ; Tel: 01279 465551; E-Mail: